Mapping in the mining industry

Graphic design of an exhibition exploring techniques and inventions used in cartography and surveying in the mining industry. Beautiful exhibits and map originals from the 17th to 20th century, presented by Slovak Mining Museum, were accompanied by wall panels explaining the work of experts and their approaches to collecting and recording data used for precise planning of mining activities in Banská Štiavnica. Graphic elements were inspired by the aesthetic beauty of the technical content of the topic as well as the artistic skills of master cartographers. The design was created in collaboration with Jana Malatincová.

Grafický dizajn výstavy približujúcej techniky a objavy používané v banskej kartografii a meračstve. Krásne exponáty a originály máp zo 17. až 20. storočia, vystavené Slovenským banským múzeom, boli doplnené nástennými panelmi vysvetľujúcimi prácu odborníkov a ich prístup k zbieraniu a zaznamenávaniu údajov používaných na presné plánovanie banských prác v Banskej Štiavnici. Štýl grafiky bol inšpirovaný estetikou technického obsahu témy, no zároveň aj vysokou umeleckou zručnosťou majstrov kartografov. Dizajn bol vytvorený ako spolupráca s Janou Malatincovou.

Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition
Mapping in the Mining Industry exhibition

graphic design, project management

Project responsibilities:




Joya Floriography